Everyone will step into the college life with an aim. Everyone would like to learn new things in college. Every thing is new in college compared to school. We can have lot of fun in the college days. The friends in college will come with you till the end of your life. Along with the fun, your future is depend on your college days. You should think about your future in your college days.
When your college ends, you are entering into a new world. People will expect more from you. You should be prepared for anything. You should be dare to face all the problems. The days between your college final day and the day you get the jobs is the most critical days in your life. You will feel bad in those days even you never take care of anything in your life. If you got the job within 3 to 6 months, you will not face any problems in your life. If you did not get within 6 months you have to answer everyone in your family, street, your parent friends and many more people.
To get the job within 6 months of time, you need to be prepared in the last semester itself. If you are prepared, even in the recession period you will get the job. Few ways are there to prepare for the interview.
First, Choose the Stream or the field you like to work.
Second, you need to have some list of companies in your field.
Third, you have to prepare a resume with your qualification, with your personal details, your interest, awards, courses completed, extra curricular activities. You have to mention the area of interest in resume.
Be prepare for the question "Tell me about yourself ?". This is the question that judges your future. The HR will get to know about yourself with this question. The HR will listen you for just 30 seconds and decide to RECRUIT you or NOT. Get prepare for first 30 seconds. You have to tell your name, your positive, negative, your attitude and your achievements. You should be bold while taking to the HR. Your Voice should be in high Pitch.
College is the best place to practice to tell about yourself. Practice with your friends in free periods. Choose the area of interest in the college. Be the master in any one language and you should be adapt to the new languages also. It is not confirm that you will get the job in your area of interest.
Start preparing for the Interview in your college days itself. All the best for your future.
When your college ends, you are entering into a new world. People will expect more from you. You should be prepared for anything. You should be dare to face all the problems. The days between your college final day and the day you get the jobs is the most critical days in your life. You will feel bad in those days even you never take care of anything in your life. If you got the job within 3 to 6 months, you will not face any problems in your life. If you did not get within 6 months you have to answer everyone in your family, street, your parent friends and many more people.
To get the job within 6 months of time, you need to be prepared in the last semester itself. If you are prepared, even in the recession period you will get the job. Few ways are there to prepare for the interview.
First, Choose the Stream or the field you like to work.
Second, you need to have some list of companies in your field.
Third, you have to prepare a resume with your qualification, with your personal details, your interest, awards, courses completed, extra curricular activities. You have to mention the area of interest in resume.
Be prepare for the question "Tell me about yourself ?". This is the question that judges your future. The HR will get to know about yourself with this question. The HR will listen you for just 30 seconds and decide to RECRUIT you or NOT. Get prepare for first 30 seconds. You have to tell your name, your positive, negative, your attitude and your achievements. You should be bold while taking to the HR. Your Voice should be in high Pitch.
College is the best place to practice to tell about yourself. Practice with your friends in free periods. Choose the area of interest in the college. Be the master in any one language and you should be adapt to the new languages also. It is not confirm that you will get the job in your area of interest.
Start preparing for the Interview in your college days itself. All the best for your future.